Meeting Emotional Needs in Intellectual Disability (2022)

kr 745,00

Bok om den evidensbaserte modellen for emosjonell utvikling. Passer sammen med verktøyet SEED-2. Finnes foreløpig kun på engelsk.  2022, /194 sider

12 på lager (kan også restbestilles)

SKU: ISBN: 9780889375895


Boken er på Engelsk

Hjelper mennesker med Intellektuell funksjonsnedsettelse med å forbedre sin mentale helse og livskvalitet

  1. Introduserer en ny evidensbasert modell for emosjonell utvikling
  2. Detaljer, faser og milepæler for utvikling for personer med IF
  3. Forklarer utfordrende atferd og psykiske plager i henhold til modellen
  4. Detaljert veiledning om hvordan man kan bruke tilnærmingen i praksis
  5. Full av case-eksempler

Mer om boken

Gjennom et utviklingspsykologisk perspektiv tilbyr forfatterne en ny, integrert modell for å støtte mennesker med intellektuell funksjonsnedsettelse (IF). Dette konseptet bygger på nylige fremskritt innen tilknytningsinformerte tilnærminger, ved å trekke på en bredere forståelse av de sosiale, emosjonelle og kognitive kompetansene til mennesker med IF, som er forankret i utviklingsnevrovitenskap og psykologi. Boken utforsker i detalj hvordan utfordrende atferd og psykiske vansker hos personer med IF oppstår når deres grunnleggende emosjonelle behov ikke blir dekket av de i miljøet. Ved hjelp av individuelt tilpassede intervensjoner, som utfyller eksisterende omsorgsmodeller, kan behandlere bidra til å legge til rette for modningsprosesser og redusere atferd som er utfordrende for andre. Som et resultat kan “passformen” til en person i hans eller hennes individuelle miljø forbedres. Kasus eksempler gjennom hele boken belyser hvordan denne tilnærmingen fungerer ved å målrette intervensjoner mot personens stadie av emosjonell utvikling.

Denne boken vil være av interesse for et bredt spekter av fagpersoner som jobber med mennesker med IF, inkludert: kliniske psykologer, psykiatere, ergoterapeuter, sykepleiere, logopeder og lærere i spesialpedagogiske miljøer, samt foreldre og omsorgspersoner.

Bokanmeldelser og tilbakemeldinger på boken fra England

How can we help those with intellectual disability (ID) live in the world and relate to those around them in the most content and happy way possible? What can we do to help them thrive? Sappok (a medical doctor), Zapperitz (a behavioral specialist), and Hudson (a clinical psychologist), have used the emotional development approach to understand challenging behaviors encountered at different stages of development in those with an intellectual disability. This detailed book, of use to clinicians, physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, physical/speech/language/occupational therapists, mental health professionals, learning disability nurses, special education teachers, dentists, parents, families and caregivers, gives us a useful road map for understanding developmental stages and needs over the lifetime. It is especially valuable in that it provides suggestions, ideas and solutions for how to deal effectively with challenging behaviors in those with ID.
Marcie Parker, PhD, CFLE, Excelsior, MN, USA, in Issues in Mental Health Nursing (2022), 43, 390-391

“Emotional development in people with intellectual disabilities is a neglected area. Through clear theoretical explanation, the development of a reliable and valid assessment via the Scale of Emotional Development (SED), and detailed case examples, the authors of this book demonstrate how emotional development can be measured, understood, and enacted into social care and clinical intervention programmes. They bring a person’s stage of emotional development to the fore in understanding mental health and behavioural concerns in people with intellectual disabilities. This clear, scientifically rigorous and practical approach has the potential to radically improve our care of this most deserving group of people. I cannot recommend it more highly to professionals working in the field.” Allan Skelly, PhD, PsychD, AFBPS, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Gateshead, UK & Former Chair of The Faculty for People with Intellectual Disabilities, British Psychological Society

“This book will transform services for people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) considered challenging or who are diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. We know now that most distressed or disturbed adults with IDs have had multiple adverse childhood experiences that underlie lasting impairments: affect dysregulation, structural dissociation, somatic dysregulation, impaired self-development, and disorganised attachment. Staff and families can help to coregulate such chaotic emotions, but only if they understand each person’s emotional world. This book explains eight domains of socioemotional development; how to assess them; and how to translate that knowledge into useful practice. Anyone concerned to make ID services truly trauma-informed should read it, use it, and talk about it everywhere.” Jennifer Clegg, PhD, DipClinPsych, DipFT; Professor at La Trobe University, Australia

“As a clinician and academic I am pleased that the present book is providing a much needed new direction in our therapeutic perspective of challenging or problem behaviours. It will contribute to opening up novel pathways of conceptualising and tackling such major mental health problems in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.” Angela Hassiotis, PhD, UCL Division of Psychiatry, University College London, UK

“I am delighted to see the years of work of Sappok and her colleagues come together in a book. The way this book is written and presented has made their academic research and clinical work accessible to a much wider audience. They describe and illustrate their empirically developed approach to reducing behaviours that challenge and to improve psychological wellbeing and mental health for people who have intellectual disabilities. This makes the book very accessible. The “in a nutshell” sections are particularly helpful. The book is full of ideas and resources to help readers develop therapeutic solutions that are fully informed by the person’s emotional development and needs.” Nigel Beail, Professor of Psychology, University of Sheffield, UK; Consultant and Professional Lead for Psychological Services, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Barnsley, UK


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